How many Month you like to donate ?
If you don’t have the EUR currency in your country, e.g. USD or SEK or any other, you can simply use the following currency exchanger to find out the real amount in your local currency:
Only one connection at the same time is allowed. Restream is not allowed. (If you don’t know what restream is, then simply ignore that wording )
An account with one connection means you can use and install this account on different devices but it’s not allowed to connect twice at the same time. If you watch twice at the same time, firewall might detect it and ban your account permanently. So please be careful with it!
You can install this account on different devices, e.g. living room and bedroom: If you turn off your TV in living room, wait 1-2 mins and then turn on the TV in bedroom, that’s no problem. (Or on cellphone, tablet etc.) Just make sure, do not connect twice. That’s important.
Please read this notice carefully:
Bitcoin (BTC) transaction fees are currently high.
We recommend using Litecoin(LTC) instead, as it offers lower fees (nearly zero) and faster transactions.
Please avoid sending contracts or tokens.
e.g.: Ethereum (ETH) = use ERC20 network and for Litecoin (LTC) use regular LTC network (Lightning Network does not work).
Avoid including the term "IPTV" in your transaction details or remarks, as some wallets may block transactions with this term.
If your wallet asks for recipient details, enter your own name and declare it as your own wallet.
Each address is uniquely generated for you.
The system always generates a new crypto address for each transaction.
Always use the new generated crypto address provided for each transaction.
Never send funds to an old address, it is always a new unique crypto address.
Verify that the wallet address in your sending wallet matches the one on our website, avoid using saved addresses, check the first and last 5 characters, and only send if they are identical.
If a crypto platform asks for recipient details such as name and address, make sure to provide your own name and declare our unique crypto address as your own self-custody wallet. This helps to correctly associate your payment and avoid errors.
People from Scandinavian countries like Sweden should use Safello
Do NOT mention IPTV, they do not like and it might block your Account
If you want to use then do NOT use BTC or ETH for external transaction. Binance has huge fee’s for BTC and ETH sending’s. Please use Litecoin (LTC) under – that’s important !
BTC has huge fees, thats why we recommend ETH or even better LTC.
Do NOT send BTC to LTC address, I mean, do not mix up different coins.
If you buy LTC and want to send it, then send your LTC to the LTC address (and NOT to the BTC or ETH address).
==> e.g.: from LTC to LTC , or from ETH to ETH, or from BTC to BTC <==